San Lorenzo Valley Emergency Network
a 501(c)(3 ) non-profit
The San Lorenzo Valley Emergency Network (SLVEN) educates, organizes, and coordinates our community to help prepare for and respond to emergencies, particularly natural disasters and other threats to life and property
San Lorenzo Valley Emergency Network
Emergency Notifications & Evacuation
CruzAware: The emergency and non-emergency alert and warning system for the residents of Santa Cruz County: Text/SMS, Phone call, or Email. Configurable topics and preferences.
S.A.F.E.R. website - Type "SAFER SC" in a browser. One site for Santa Cruz County with Zones, Evacuation status, Fire, Weather, Roads, PG&E, PurpleAir, Wildfire Cameras, plus many LINKS.
Best for desktop/laptop computers Roads: Up to date information on road closures and reopening for daily road warriors and our seasonal or emergency situations
Zonehaven Aware is now Genasys Protect: Know your evacuation zone.
Watch Duty: Nearby wildfire and firefighting activity. Phone app or browser.
Fire Dispatch: 911 Emergencies. Select “Santa Cruz County”
PulsePoint: Current emergency incidents. Select “Boulder Creek/Felton/Zayante Fire Protection District (CA)”
PG&E Power Outage Map:
SigAlert: Traffic Reports
211: Help for all types of needs. Dial 211 or go online,
Behavioral/Mental Health Support
Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - call or text 988, any time 24/7
Santa Cruz County Mobile Crisis Response Team
1-800-952-2335 or Fire Department Business Phones:
Boulder Creek (831) 338-7222
Ben Lomond (831) 336-5495
Felton (831) 335-4422
Zayante (831) 335-5100
CalFire (831) 335-5353
Santa Cruz County Fire (831) 335-5353
Santa Cruz Sheriff Office
6062 Graham Hill Rd A, Felton, CA 95018
Non-Emergency Phone (831) 461-7400
Santa Cruz Long Term Recovery Group
Valley Churches: (Serving low-income households of SLV, SV, BD)
Grey Bears: (Food for the needy)
Red Cross:
Disaster Assistance for Veterans: 1-800-273-8255
SLVEN General Meetings
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Support SLVEN - Make a Donation or become a Member
We bring news, information, and conversations to you every month, primarily serving the San Lorenzo Valley.
Membership is $24/year and supports our 501-(c)3 charter.
Use the DONATE button above, to make a charitable donation through PayPal, with no fees!