Membership & Donations

Use the DONATE button to send your member fee or donation via PayPal

PayPal donations are processed via PayPal Giving Fund, which covers all transaction fees

Support SLVEN! Membership supports our 501-(c)3 charter.

Members are an integral and necessary part of our organization. Members select our Board annually in  June.

We are a 100% volunteer organization; Board members are not paid. 

We volunteer our time to bring important conversations and trainings to our communities.

EIN 47-4768523

Become a member ($24/yr annually)  ... Make a Donation

If you prefer, a check can be made out to San Lorenzo Valley Emergency Network. 

Mail it to:

P. O. Box 534
Felton, CA 95018.

Include your name, address, and email; we'll send you a receipt.